Agenda 2022 - Data & AI Warsaw Tech Summit
In this year's edition of the conference, we will focus on the areas:
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Streaming and Real-Time Analytics,
Data Strategy and ROI, Data Engineering, Architecture Operarations &Cloud.
26.04.2022 - WORKSHOP DAY
9.00 - 16.00
PARALLEL WORKSHOPS (independent workshops, paid entry) | on-site, WARSAW
Introduction to Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)
In this one day workshop you will learn how to operationalize Machine Learning models using popular open-source tools, like Kedro and Kubeflow, and deploy it using cloud computing.
During the course we simulate real-world end-to-end scenarios – building a Machine Learning pipeline to train a model, and deploy it on Kubeflow environment. We’ll walk through the practical use cases of MLOps for creating reproducible, scalable and modular data science code. Next, we’ll propose a solution for running pipelines on Google Cloud Platform, leveraging managed and serverless services. All exercises will be done using either a local docker environment, or GCP account.
GetInData | Part of Xebia
Real-Time Stream Processing
In this one day workshop you will learn how to process unbounded streams of data in real-time using popular open-source frameworks. We focus mostly on Apache Flink and Apache Kafka – the most promising open-source stream processing framework that is more and more frequently used in production.
During the course we simulate real-world end-to-end scenario – processing logs generated by users interacting with a mobile application in real-time. The technologies that we use include Kafka and Flink. All exercises will be done using either a local docker environment or within your IDE.
Modern data pipelines with dbt
19.00 - 22.00
EVENING SPEAKERS MEETING (Only for Speakers) on-site, WARSAW
8.30 - 9.00
Morning cofee and networking time
9.00 - 9.10
Sesja plenarna
9.10 - 11.25
9.10 - 9.30
Plenary Session
Join us at this session to learn about the key technologies and strategy that drove a decade-long big data journey of Microsoft. Based on the example of our company we'll also explore realities of organizations working at massive scale while still maintaining a fast pace of innovation. We will touch multiple technologies during the presentation from non-Microsoft ones (Spark, Python, R, HDFS, YARN) to Microsoft-proprietary cloud services (Azure Data Lake Analytics, Azure Data Lake Store, HDInsight).
#BigData #Technology #Microsoft
9.30 - 9.55
Plenary Session
The Data Mesh paradigm is a strong candidate to supersede the centralized data lake and data warehouse as the dominant architectural patterns in data and analytics. It promotes the concept of domain-focused Data Products which go beyond sharing of files and towards guarantees of quality and acknowledgment of data ownership.
Through personal experience with applying the Data Mesh concept in practice, as well as dedicated field research, the presenter discovered the most common pain points at different stages of the journey and identified successful approaches to overcome those challenges. In this talk, you will gain both technical and organizational insights ranging from companies that are just starting to promote a mindset shift of working with data, to companies that are already in the process of transforming their data infrastructure landscape, to advanced companies that are working on federated governance setups for a sustainable data-driven future.
#DataMesh #DataProduct #DataOwnership #DataManagement #Data
9.55 - 10.10
10.10 - 10.35
Plenary Session
This session offers learnings from multiple big data platform migration engagements that involved Google's Professional Services organization. Each presented customer case had different constraints, necessitating a variety of approaches to ensure success despite critical risks to the deadline.
10.35 - 11.00
Plenary Session
As a Vertica customer for more than 10 years, Kambi tracks and reports on 150+ data sources for 425+ users worldwide, while maintaining regulatory and GDPR compliance in this highly regulated industry. Successful sports betting companies offer their customers many betting options, ease in financial transactions and great customer service, all of which generates repeat business and competitive advantages. Please join Andrew Hedengren as he describes how Vertica delivers a centralized version of the truth for a “simple and scalable” solution.
#BigData #PlatformArchitect #dataanalytics #Vertica #Kambi #dataplatform #dataanalyticssolution
11.00 - 11.25
Plenary Session
According to 451 Research, 96% of enterprises are actively pursuing a hybrid IT strategy. That’s great but how can I implement that? I just selected my one and only Cloud provider - so what goes where now? Should I migrate to hybrid right away or in phases? Or maybe there is another way?
This session has been designed for you to learn how CDP Hybrid Cloud delivers freedom of choice - private and public clouds, performance and cost management, security and self-service, flexibility and control. Join us to find out how your job can get a whole lot easier!
11.25 - 11.50
11.50 - 13.20
11.50 - 12.20
Data Engineering
Parallel Session
Using components of the public cloud seems to be pretty straightforward. You have a nice and modern UI. If you're a console oriented guy (or freak) - there's even a built-in web shell to make you happy. Problems start to occur when each team uses various components, each in a different way and your task is to make those components meet the company's policies, normalize a process of a deployment and in the end - make this deployment user-friendly.
Let me show you how we've automated this process with the help of Terraform and provided a user-friendly way to build an infrastructure putting all of its complexities out of sight.
All the examples will be based on the infrastructure creation tasks for the big data processing projects.
#public #cloud #terraform #python #infrastructure #data
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Parallel Session
It is known that Data Science, Software Engineering, ML/AI are highly intertwined fields. When building future-proof advanced analytical solutions, originally devised by data scientists, not only certain best practices from Software Engineering are handy, e.g. pair programming, but also they help achieving e.g. low coupling and high cohesion for ML/AI systems. In this talk we show how this has been achieved on a concrete example of a predictive solution for understanding the impact of production process parameters on final product attributes.
#softwareenginnering #SEbestpractices #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #injdustry4.0 #crossfunctional
Architecture Operations &Cloud
Parallel Session
Three years ago ING Wholesale Banking Advanced Analytics team set up an ambitious goal to gather in one place a curated portfolio of internal data sources together with a large scale compute platform. At its core the idea of allowing internal projects to get access to a rich toolset of open source and industry standards frameworks and preprocessed data to validate business ideas in the secure exploration environment. Extensive growth with over 300 projects so far and more than 2000 internal users proofs advanced analytics i.e. ML, AI, NLP capabilities should become easily consumable not only by specialised, dedicated teams, but make them close to subject matter experts. Join this session where Krzysztof shares what are in our opinion key elements of the strategy and what is still in front of ING Data Analytics Platform to make 50% of ING employees be part of it.
#cloudnative #analytics #democratization
12.20 - 12.25
12.25 - 12.55
Data Engineering
Parallel Session
In this talk I’m going to present to you the design process behind Nielsens Data Auditing system, Life Line. From tracking and producing , to analysing and storing auditing information, using technologies such as Kafka, Avro, Spark, AWS Lambda functions and complex SQL queries. The data auditing project was one of main pillars in 2020, the extensive design process we went through paid off, and tremendously raised the quality of our data. We’re going to cover:
* A lot of data arrival and integrity pain points
* Designing your metadata and the use of AVRO
* Producing and consuming auditing data
* Designing and optimizing your auditing table - what does this data look like anyway?
* Creating an alert based monitoring system and some other add-ons
* Answering the most important question of all - is it the end of the day yet?
#data #auditing #kafka #architecture #sql
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Parallel Session
- User queries at an e-commerce site exhibit a plethora of information ranging from brands, size, intent or even desires. A better understanding of users intent leads to a better user experience.
- How can we exploit plain natural language texts to extract semantic and syntactic information. And how can such information help us towards improving the site behaviour?
- We will talk about enhanced language processing and understanding techniques for semantifying queries using advanced sequence learning techniques.
- We will also discuss how to design an offline evaluation to quantify the model performance at a large scale.
#nlp #queryunderstanding #ecommerce #sequencelearning #ml
Data Strategy and ROI
Parallel Session
Becoming a data-driven organization is a hot topic that keeps busy a lot of companies. Many leaders and executives see value in unleashing analytics potential and using it to impact business growth.
We are going to talk and share experiences about how we…
• democratize data across the different levels of the organization by consolidating, integrating and automating data workflows into a single Data Lake;
• designed and implemented cloud-based scalable & secure architecture;
• impacted business performance by unlocking various use cases;
• executed project based on the consolidated data for one of the largest nutrition brands.
#Datademocratization #businessimpact #Spark #datalake #digitization
12.55 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.30
Data Engineering
Parallel Session
Hearing aids nowadays can be treated as a cloud of millions of IoT devices that produce a huge number of events.
Multiple R&D engineering teams need insights into how their products are performing and are used out there, for better, data-driven product development. This means creating reports analysing data from hearing aids and digital products like mobile apps for wearers and fitting software used by hearing care professionals.
However, getting from the devices to the report is not a simple path. Especially that we need to take into account GDPR, transformations, data democratization or cost optimizations in Azure.
#Azure #EventHub #Datalake #Databricks #Lakehouse #ETL
Real-Time Streaming
Parallel Session
The ability to analyze data in real time for mobile network is crucial for diagnostics and ensuring the quality of the service for end customers. To achieve this we have built a real-time ingestion and analytics platform that processes 2.2 billions messages a day from mobile networks hardware. During the talk we will show how we used Flink and Flink SQL to build this platform. The solution includes calculation of more than 5000 KPIs and 1500 aggregation defined in SQL, on 750 Kafka topics. We will describe how we manage Flink jobs at scale using Ververica and Kubernetes, how we monitor the platform using Clickhouse and what problems we need to overcome in the project.
#streaming #flink #real-time #operationalmonitoring #telco
Data Strategy and ROI
Parallel Session
- What is an analytics translator?
- What skills and competencies are required?
- How to build a data-driven business with analytics translators?
- Do you fit the profile of an analytics translator?
- Do you like quizzes?
#AnalyticsTranslator #DataDrivenBusiness #Transformatio #PeopleAnalytics #Data-Science
13.30 - 14.25
14.25 - 16.05
14.25 - 14.55
Data Engineering
Parallel Session
- Common issues with data lakes
- What is Apache Iceberg? and what problems does it solve
- Building CDC archive at Shopify using Iceberg
- Management / considerations when using Iceberg
- Brief intro into whats next on deck for Shopify + Iceberg (Type-1 dimensions using Iceberg's V2 spec with row-level deletion)
#iceberg #datalake #columnardata #dataplatform #CDC
Architecture Operations &Cloud
Parallel Session
Microsoft is a data driven company. All client-side software is well instrumented and emits telemetry. Designing, developing and operating (DevOps model) a big data pipeline gathering this data at the Microsoft scale (the pipeline has: 100k+ Azure cores, 13 Data Centers, hundreds of PBs) is a great learning opportunity. In this presentation I will show what we've learned over the last 7 years and describe the DevOps process we use. This will be a journey spanning: our design principles, testing approach, ops mindset (monitoring, automation, continuous-improvement), rollout across 13 Data Centers strategy and more.
#devops #telemetry #continuousimprovement #scale
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Parallel Session
The primary source of bias in machine learning is not in the algorithms deployed, but rather the data used as input to build the predictive models. In this talk we will discuss why this is a huge problem and what to do about it. Different sources of bias will be identified along with possible solutions for remedying the situation when deploying machine learning. We will also speak about the importance of transparency when using machine learning to predict outcomes that impact critical decisions.
• Learn why most predictive models are biased.
• Learn about the sources of bias in predictive models.
• Learn how to reduce the negative impact of potential bias in predictive models.
#MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #EliminationofBias
14.55 - 15.00
15.00 - 15.30
Data Strategy and ROI
Parallel Session
Keep up with the increasing trend in the software world! Learn more about Digital Twins and what role Big Data/AI/XR/IoT and Robotics play in this story. Digital Twin is a broad topic with a number of business areas where it can be applied and wide list of technologies under the hood. On this session you will learn about a framework, intended to handle underlying complexity, facilitate design and adoption of Digital Twins; technical aspects and considerations; real-life examples, covering success stories and delivered value. This session can be interesting for different groups: Architects, tech-savvy business leaders, Product Managers, technology experts and consultants.
#DigitalTwins #AI/XR/IoT #Robotics
Real-Time Streaming
Parallel Session
TerrariumDB is a column and row store engine designed specifically for behavioral intelligence, real-time data processing, and is the core of the Synerise platform. It simultaneously processes data heavy analytics while executing various business scenarios in realtime. TerrariumDB was designed to analyse behavioural data, where data order and time are important to make business decisions. During the talk, there are described why we are developing our distributed database engine, where were the challenges and pitfalls, for which use cases does TerrariumDB fits best, and how it handles billions of queries per day where 99 percentile does matter.
#Streaming Database #RealtimeAnalytics #ML #OperationalAnalytics
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Parallel Session
What is a feature store ? Why do we need it ? How to use it ? In this session, I would like to show how to use the Feast feature store to build a complete MLOps process. Starting with fetching historical data and model training, thought model versioning and deployment process and finally online features materialization and real-time model inference.
#featurestore #feast #mlops
15.30 - 15.35
15.35 - 16.05
Data Engineering
Parallel Session
Data Engineering used to be a hard problem that only people with a software engineering background could solve. Additionally, a number of use cases and analytics needs in companies waiting to be solved outnumber data engineers teams, burdening them and making business departments wait for ages for their use cases to be implemented. On the other side, Business departments would love to implement the data pipelines themselves. But for a long time, they couldn't do it well, mainly because they lacked the engineering skill required for them to work efficiently and deliver technical quality. Today, we witness the change of this obstacle getting away thanks to the maturity of modern data platforms and thanks to tools that make it easy to implement pipelines according to the best DataOps practices. Like DBT if you have heard about it.
Tools like DBT are great but are just puzzles of the bigger picture. What we at GetInData do is take those puzzles, these advancements of data tools, and combine them into a coherent, unified data pipelines framework that guides analytics engineers by hand in developing the pipelines end-to-end. From the idea to production.
Come to our presentation to listen about modern data platforms, DBT as well as our framework.
#analytics engineering, #self-service data pipelines, #cloud, #DBT, #SQL
Real-Time Streaming
Parallel Session
Stream processing has become vastly popular in the past couple of years. As you're already familiar with Kubernetes, you have the necessary toolbox for deploying and operating low latency mission-critical streaming data pipelines with Apache Flink. After this talk, you'll get a broad understanding of how the complex stream processing applications fit into the cloud-native era and get comfortable with introducing them to your organization.
#k8s #apacheflink #streaming #sql #cloudnative
Architecture Operations &Cloud
Parallel Session
Let's discover together how COVID-19 affected the cloud adoption and what are the most common cloud security mistakes that team are doing.
#security #cloud #adotion #architecture
16.05 - 16.30
16.30 - 17.30
Parallel roundtables discussions are the part of the conference that engage all participants. It has few purposes. First of all, participants have the opportunity to exchange their opinions and experiences about specific issue that is important to that group. Secondly, participants can meet and talk with the leader/host of the roundtable discussion – they are selected professionals with a vast knowledge and experience.
There will be roundtable sessions, hence every conference participants can take part in 2 discussions, one each day of the conference.
Roundtable discussion
The data we use is often unstructured and varied. Conducting a simple analysis could become a burden: Where is the data I need? How do I make sure it’s accurate? Why are my queries taking so long? Designing the correct solutions to answer these questions in the optimal way could be painfully challenging, with very few success stories along the way. In this discussion we will share different approaches and solutions for data normalization. We'll meet people who've experienced different issues and hear how they tackled them.
Roundtable discussion
Pandas is a fast and powerful open-source data analysis and manipulation framework written in Python. Apache Spark is an open-source unified analytics engine for distributed large-scale data processing. Both are widely adopted in the data engineering and data science communities. Even though there’s a great value in combining them in terms of productivity, scalability, and performance, it’s often overlooked. Join us for a live discussion, where you will hear and share your experience with combining Spark and Pandas to benefit from both worlds! We welcome all levels of expertise, from intermediate to advanced.
Roundtable discussion
Vector databases store data with vector embeddings, which are computed with Machine Learning models. Indexed vector embeddings enable fast similarity search and retrieval. An open-source vector search engine like Weaviate can be used to do semantic search, similarity search of text, images and other types of unstructured data, one-shot labeling, etc. These features of vector search engines enables you to scale ML models, build recommendation systems or do anomaly detection.
In this discussion we will talk about vector databases. You can learn about vector search engines, share your experiences, get updates from the latest techniques, meet people working in a similar field and get feedback on your ideas. Whether you're new to vector databases or identify as an experienced user, all are welcome to join!
Roundtable discussion
CI/CD has a significant positive impact on software delivery. Typically when building out data pipelines, the extent of our CI/CD process is: to run unit tests, build packages, and deploy. That is a good start, but I believe we can do better. During our session let's try to answer the below questions:
- What are good practices for automated tests of data pipelines?
- What are good practices for the deployment of data pipelines?
- What additional steps should we run in CI/CD pipelines?
- What are innovative ideas to further improve CI/CD pipelines?
Roundtable discussion
Traditionally, data governance has been defined as managing data integrity and the access of enterprise systems. Usually it consists of a centralized team with a steering committee, data stewards, process workflows and policies. In a traditional environment when you have a centralized data team, this can work well, but in today’s world where each department has their own analysts creating different analyses, such a project will likely fail. We'll discuss how today's organizations are approaching data governance given the fast-changing, decentralized environment of data today.
Roundtable discussion
Organizations are disappointed on the return on investment of their dashboarding efforts. At the same time, trends like natural language querying, data catalogs, and metric stores are arising. Are dashboards dead or maybe we haven't seen their best days yet.
Roundtable discussion
Over the last years, multiple data transformation projects included significant investments to provide a centralized data lake, which could swallow any type and quantity. There was a promise for a single point of data for analytics and democratization of data. However, the concept brought many expensive problems in both implementation and maintenance. Other issues include a lack of clear ownership and division between data contexts, which lowered the return on investment.
These issues were well known to software architects. Many lessons could be shared from software architecture patterns, including sociotechnical, strategic, and implementation. For example, the concept of Data Mesh connects really well with Domain-Driven Design on multiple levels; both are completing each other. The point of our discussion will be to share learnings from applying software architecture patterns to data architecture paradigms.
Roundtable discussion
AI is like nuclear power. On the one hand, it brings enormous opportunities, but on the other, mistakes at scale can bring disaster.
A growing number of examples of poorly tested models are dampening enthusiasm by showing the dark side of AI, discriminating, with hard-to-find errors and rapidly declining performance.
This has led to work on the AI act, and legal regulations for AI development and deployment.
At this roundtable, we will share best practices and experiences on how to debug for errors in AI systems, how to build AI systems responsibly, how future AI regulations may affect our business, and what to do to manage these risks.
Roundtable discussion
Every year, more and more people are taking jobs as data scientists. During this panel, we will try to answer the question of what you need to be an outstanding specialist and what is the fastest way to become one. Discussion points include e.g.:
- What technical skills and best practices are the traits of a great data scientist?
- Are soft or business skills important and how do you develop them?
- How to learn new skills and some tips and tricks to stand out as a data scientist?
17.30 - 17.35
GetInData | Part of Xebia
18.00 - 22.00
Let's get together! To talk, to meet new people, to see old colleagues. We invite you for a face 2 face interaction onsite.
More information HERE
9.30 - 12.00
Data Vault on BigQuery
In this workshop you will not only master BigQuery, but also learn that unlike traditional data modeling techniques, Data Vault model is highly scalable and can adapt easily to ever changing business requirements. During the course we simulate a real-world end-to-end scenario – processing metrics generated by devices that capture usage in real-time. The technology that we will use is BigQuery. All exercises will be done within BigQuery UI on Google Cloud Platform.
Google Cloud Poland
Google Cloud Poland
What is a Data Quality Fabric and what’s in it for you?
Gartner features data fabric as a top tech trend in the data community. The data fabric market is expected to more than triple in size between now and 2026.
Deep Dive into Data Science with Snowflake
This session will give you a in depth walkthrough on how you can use Snowflake across key stages of the data science workflow. The session will show you how to preparing your data within Snowflake using SQL, Java, Scala or Python, before exploring building models with your machine learning (ML) platform of choice, and concluding with deploying ML models using UDFs.
We'll explore how the Data Cloud helps data scientists address their most common challenges, so they can focus their time and effort on solving complex data problems.
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.10
13.10 - 13.35
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Plenary Session
Building your own platform is often ostracized these days. Everyone is encouraged to reuse existing solutions for known reasons. But using a ready-made platform / tool should not be a mindless process. Reusability is an art. During this presentation, you will learn why we decided to build our own MLOps platform while not re-inventing the wheel by using ready-made components with a touch of custom components. What are the benefits of this, but also what limitations and hurdles we have encountered. We hope that our experience will help you make the right decisions in your projects. Sometimes, maybe more risky ones.
13.40 - 14.10
Parallel Session
The Lakehouse is a new architecture that enables Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence directly on vast amounts of data stored in Data Lakes. Its open architecture combines the best elements of Data Lakes and Data Warehouses, while providing support for both batch and realtime processing. The Lakehouse is enabled by a new system design: implementing data structures and data management features (similar to those in a Data Warehouse) directly on top of low cost cloud storage in open formats (typically used by Data Lakes). This unified approach simplifies the modern data stack by eliminating the data silos that traditionally separate and complicate data engineering, analytics, BI, data science and machine learning. The Lakehouse is built on open source and open standards to maximize flexibility.
Architecture Operations & Cloud
Parallel Session
Kubernetes is an excellent vehicle for driving your analytics, big-data, and ML workloads, but a one-size-fits-all configuration won’t give you all the benefits platform provides.
I want to walk you through the things to consider when creating a high-performance Kubernetes cluster for your workloads, from resource utilization, topology, application settings, and consumption of hardware components.
Architecture Operations & Cloud
Parallel Session
Processing Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) is super complex in itself, but it gets infinitely more complex when you want to do it at scale, covering multiple countries (and even continents). How did IQVIA EMRs Factory team build the probably largest global Electronic Medical Records data platform in the world? How was a combination of Cloudera, Spark, Kafka and Looker used to build a solid foundation and where are we taking it now on a hybrid-cloud architecture? How and why are we evolving - adopting Snowflake and Databricks to enable rapid business growth? We'll talk about what drove our design decisions (including requirements critical in healthcare like privacy, security and governance) and what we learned over the years running and modernising the platform. Importance od data residency and its impact on the system architecture.
#Cloudera #Spark #Scala #Java #Looker #Cloud #Snowflake #Databricks
14.15 - 14.45
Parallel Session
Increasingly the traditional boundaries between core data platforms and ML platforms, between data lakes and data warehouses, between analysts and data scientists are blurring. Simultaneously many IT organizations are under increasing pressure to simplify what have become incredibly complex data architectures. Both of these trends run perpendicular to data democratization which brings new users with new language- and framework-specific needs. In this session you will see why Snowflake’s Snowpark extensibility framework is receiving so much attention from the market as it allows users to talk to their data in the language and framework of choice without moving and copying governed data to secondary compute platforms. Snowpark is allowing Snowflake's customers to decrease governance risk, reduce cost and complexity and bring the power of the data cloud to many new users with broader requirements.
#python #ML #Snowflake #dataplatform #datascience #dataframe
Real-Time Streaming
Parallel Session
Streaming trillions of messages per day (and meeting the agreeed SLA's) was a challenging job. In this session I will present how are we handling some critical aspects like reliability, performance, skewed data, debugging and performance testing. This session is targeted to software engineers passioned about performance/handling large amount of data.
#spark #streaming #trillions
Architecture Operations & Cloud
Parallel Session
Data quality is a key measure of business success for all organizations, particularly those that are data-driven and operate in the financial sector. In this session I will present the implementation of data quality framework on your cloud platform focusing on the business needs of our financial organization. We will talk about
• main goals of data quality in fintech
• estimation of potential data issues
• integration of data quality framework into the cloud
• data quality checks applied on each step of data processing
#dataquality #dataplatform #aws #microservices
14.45 - 15.40
Parallel roundtables discussions are the part of the conference that engage all participants. It has few purposes. First of all, participants have the opportunity to exchange their opinions and experiences about specific issue that is important to that group. Secondly, participants can meet and talk with the leader/host of the roundtable discussion – they are selected professionals with a vast knowledge and experience.
There will be roundtable sessions, hence every conference participants can take part in 2 discussions, one each day of the conference.
Roundtable discussion
• What impact does the trend towards cloud warehouses (like Snowflake) and deltalakes (like Databricks) have on existing data platforms?
• How are you using these solutions - migrating legacy workloads, implementing new use cases?
• Are you fully committed to one platform (and using all native features, e.g. Snowpark and Databricks Live Tables) or try to stay platform agnostic?
• Which features have the biggest impact on your use cases (elasticity, speed, data sharing, ML integration, built-in jobs orchestration, …)?
• What roadblocks have you hit when implementing Snowflake and Databricks?
#Snowflake #Databricks #Cloud
Roundtable discussion
The way things get named in this industry can be pretty odd. A lot of people have been hearing noise about how cool a “data lakehouse” is, since it combines the power of a data lake with the power of a data warehouse. There are two ideas at work here, having to do with “big data” – the need to store massive quantities of information in the lake, and the need to analyse that data in the warehouse.
The business value becomes clear when you have a properly constructed data lakehouse at your disposal. You can:
• Support data science as well as BI using the same data sets
• Access all of your data, wherever it may reside
• Save on the labour and cost of moving data from one place to another, just to do analytics.
OR, why not go beyond this and unify how all teams do analytics? Why not unify user experiences and ways of accessing the data by building the “Unified Analytics Environment” to simplify the architecture and manageability of the environment?
Let’s discuss the advantages of investing in a data lakehouse and challenges related to it, and see how it can make a big difference to your organization.
Roundtable discussion
What's the optimal strategy towards operations team building in the multi- and hybrid cloud era? Are we going to see all ops-related engineering roles like DevOps, DataOps or MLOps to specialize even more and gravitate out of each other in the responsibilities spectrum? Or should we rather expect them to consolidate, which will mandate a new way of leveraging cross-discipline skilled CloudOps talent as a foundation of the operations teams? And how does it actually relate to hyper automation, software-defined infrastructure and massive adoption of data analysis across organizations?
Let's meet and talk about the challenges we will face as Big Data specialists and managers in this vivid and emerging area of high-complexity technology, limited human resources and endless business opportunities.
Roundtable discussion
Are you curious about how engineer’s life at Microsoft looks like? Would you like to know how our engineering teams work, learn, and collaborate effectively? Interested in how we build our services and solutions for Big Data workloads? If you answered YES to any of the questions, this round table is for you. Join our hosts from engineering teams at this “ask me anything” session.
Roundtable discussion
Continuous integration and delivery can be a challenging topic, when it comes to Data Science projects. In many projects this area is neglected, yielding an increased number of bugs and issues in the provided results. In some cases this causes projects to fail.
How does your team approach continuous integration and delivery in Data Science projects? Which tools/frameworks are in use? What kind of testing/QA do your teams apply? Do you impose any data quality restrictions? What should be the preferred code coverage level by tests?
15.40 - 16.45
15.40 - 16.10
Data Strategy and ROI
Parallel Session
Retrospective overview of the process, methodology and implementation details of Data Platform in new and young digital company vs old fashion global wall street financial instirution.
#BigData #TechLeadership #Global #Projectimplemenations
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Parallel Session
The targeting of online advertising is like gold seeking - in our case, the interpretable machine learning models serve as the diggers that discover the most profitable targeting criteria for a particular campaign to maximize the final profit. In an environment consisting of multiple advertising products and traffic counted in millions of PV daily, they need to be fast and reliable to find the best spot before the others do.
In this talk, I will present how we bridged the gap between business goals of KPI maximization, while ensuring scalability and stability of the solution. The journey starts with presenting the kind of gold that we search for, defined by the business context of online advertising. Next, I will present our gold-digging machine learning techniques and discuss technical details of architecture design and implementation in the AWS environment integrated with our in-house ad server. Finally, I will discuss the performance of the deployed models that are constantly monitored on production.
#Machine Learning #Realworldsystem #Adoptimization #Modelinterpretability
Architecture Operations &Cloud
Parallel Session
As a global bank we need to follow strict financial regulations and certifications. Our goal is an agile organization, where developers can provision and operate cloud resources, while we keep in control and stays compliant. We provide a controlled development environment, where guardrails force high level security, while staying agile. This includes custom pipeline tasks, template repositories and automated change control. Get an insight in how we control resources, security and cost in automated processes
#azure #devops #compliant #agile #selfservice
16.15 - 16.45
In the world of AI, ML and Big Data analysis, we have forgotten about our main clients - people who are not interested in querying databases or waiting for the result of data preparation - they want to easily play with data themselves.
In this presentation, I will explain to you:
- what are analytical cubes
- who will use them and how can they do it
- what are the differences between Apache Kylin and Microsoft Analysis Services and how to prepare a cube in these environments
#kylin #analysisservices #analyticalcubes #ssas #apache
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Parallel Session
One of the more annoying challenges product businesses face is in establishing causal relationships while trying to determine the impact of making product changes. Frequently, A/B testing is used to this end, but that is expensive and time consuming for engineering and design teams, and often requires tooling as well as randomization. Here at Willa (a payments and invoicing app for US-based freelancers), we used an econometric technique called Difference-In-Differences (D-I-D) regression to tease out the causal impact of simplifying the invoicing process using our app, on the invoice creation rate per user. We took advantage of natural variation in product usage between different kinds of users, and were able to reach statistically significant results cheaper and faster than via A/B testing.
The technologies used were BigQuery and Jupyter/Databricks, and GCP more broadly, although the approach is platform agnostic. Overall, the presentation will be interdisciplinary in nature, so anyone interested in economics, data science and engineering, cloud technologies and general dynamics of product businesses is welcome to attend.
Architecture Operations &Cloud
Parallel Session
Since Data infrastructure was set up at Uber, we have been managing our own server fleet. Age old practices of managing hosts posed several challenges that stood in the way of innovation.
We did an entire ground up re-architecture of our deployment stack, embraced the DevOps model and automated away operational tasks. This effort gained us a lot of benefits across several areas (efficiency, security, etc) and strategically positioned us to leverage the cloud.
In this talk, we'll briefly discuss the challenges we faced as part of our containerization journey, our strategies/solutions to overcome these challenges and mainly focus on lessons we learned along the way.
#containerization #architecture #devops #automation #massive-migration
16.50 - 17.20
Parallel Session
What is a framework? How can the framework help you achieve a faster start? How can working with frameworks help you achieve long-term speed and agility?
#AnalyticsFramework #BusinessValue #EndToEnd #Scaling
17.20 - 17.30
GetInData | Part of Xebia
Free participation
We have great set of presentation available in the CONTENT ZONE that would be available pre-recorded as Video on Demand for conference participants in advance
1) When Data Lake becomes a Data Swamp
2) Data access patterns and sharing - what could possibly go wrong?
3) Why do we need to introduce Data Layers
4) Bronze / Silver / Gold Data Layers and the concept behind it
5) How to make it work - tips and tricks.
#data_swamp #good_practices #sharing_data #thinking_about_users #data_lineage
- Where is entity resolution and deduplication needed
- Why is it a tough problem to solve
- Demonstration of open source technologies to solve this
#entityresolution #recordlinkae #deduplication #dataquality #ml
- Microservices
- Industrialized data ingestion
- Data virtualization
- Data privacy
- Operational data store
#Kubernetes #microservices #spark #datalakehouse
-How to transform from building one deep learning model per month into evaluating and deploying hundreds of them in a single week?
-Building MLOps solution with CICD practices using CDK
-How to detect underground structures based on a bunch of radar signals and no labels?
-Should we avoid manual steps in the automatic Machine Learning pipeline?
-Can we use lambda aliases to differentiate between dev and prod environment?
#MLOps #CDK #DeepLearning #Automatisation #Python
Watch this short 10 minute video, see how technologies like Kafka, .NET core, Scala, Java are used in AdTech and learn more about the journey of data in AdTech based on Adform example. The presentation goes through 5 V’s of Big Data (volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value) and shows where does all this data come from as well as gives a glance at the data pipelines.
#AdTech #BigData #Adform #DataPipelines #kafka #scala #.NET #java
Traditional data platforms are complex, expensive and time consuming to provide a business value. Why not to consider a solution which your business users would love to use? Why a typical analytical project have to take months to deliver?
Let me show you, how a single, fully self-service platform can provide all services orchestrated together to address your analytical needs in action!
#analytics, #bigdata, #ROI, #datadriven, #selfservice
AI is as much a management challenge as it is a technological challenge.
There has been, and still is, a big debate about data driven management. We've long been encouraging managers and decision makers to use whatever data they have available, to draw insights and to make more informative and verified decisions. As a result we can observe an increase in Data Analytics and Data Science employment. What we can also observe is increasing complexity of systems, tools, applications, regulations and policies around their day-to-day work.Now is the time to encourage everyone to think about how to organize and manage all of the teams, tools, pipelines, and applications that we've brought to life in Data Science.
#ai, #strategy, #mlops, #data science, #ml, #management
During the presentation we will show how we delivered project of implementation of Augmented Analytics platform for one of our clients. We will describe what were the client’s challenges and how the platform was able to solve them.
#Business Intelligence, #AI, #Artificial Intelligence, #Augmented Analytics
Data preparation is a key phase in any machine learning/data mining process. In most cases is complicated, undocumented and there are serious issues in moving all process from the development environment to production environment. I want to show that, with the right tools, it does not have to be a problem.
Ab Initio is a platform that allows for processing, transforming and managing data in every single aspect, from low level details to high abstraction concepts. The core of that process are graphs, which are responsible for data transformations. They provide declarative-streaming approach to data processing. During short presentation I will show how to load the data, process them into required form, and use it to build ML model. This approach is so flexible that will be useful for many people with different technical skills. Programmers can use graphs as a normal programming language, data scientists can operate on data without touching programming details and managers can understand the whole process and have full documentation of it.
#AI/ML #mlops #datamining #ETL #declarativeprogramming
Introduction to Ataccama ONE, an AI-powered metadata-driven data management and governance platform.
#DQ #MDM #DG #DataQuality #MasterDataManagement #DataGovernance #DataFabric #AI #Automation #AtaccamaONE