Data Engineer at Zalando on the data integration at petabyte scale, best practices, and technology tools. An interview with Max Schultze

What are the main challenges of building an end to end data integration platform at petabyte scale? Max Schultze...

Ludzie, procesy i narzędzia

Ludzie, procesy i narzędziaData scientist opowiada o współpracy z data engineerami. Rozmowa z Mateuszem Fedoryszakiem z Twittera.Na czym polega...

Data Scientist at Roche on generating business value, biggest challenges and great opportunities. An interview with Dr Mohammadjavad Faraji.

Can data science significantly generate medical and business value at a non-IT company like Roche? Mohammadjavad Faraji : Definitely yes!...

Flink committer on the new generation big data framework and processing engine, project development plans and why it is great to contribute to the open source projects and community – an interview with Dawid Wysakowicz, Software Engineer at Ververica

Why can Apache Flink be considered the best choice for processing data streaming? Dawid Wysakowicz : One reason is that...



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Warsaw, Poland


Weronika Warpas