Karthik Ramasamy

Machine Learning Engineer, Google

Karthik leads a data science team at Uber focusing on solving fraud problems using machine learning. His team builds advanced machine learning models like semi-supervised and deep learning models to detect account takeovers and stolen credit cards. Before Uber, Karthik was a co-founder of his company LogBase where he worked on real-time analytics infrastructure and building models to rate drivers based on their driving behavior. Prior to founding LogBase, he was a founding member of the LinkedIn security team where he developed various security products, with a particular focus on anti-automation efforts.

Olaf Piotrowski

Head of Big Data and Machine Learning, Allegro

Fabian Hueske

Senior Software Engineer, Member of the ASF - Committer and Founding Member of Apache Flink


Justin Coffey

Engineering Director, Criteo

Justin Coffey is a senior staff devlead at Criteo in charge of the Scalability Analytics team. He oversees (and even manages the occasional contribution to) the development of better tools and systems to manage the petabytes of analytic data leveraged by hundreds of Criteo analysts and engineers across the world.



Evention sp. z o.o

Rondo ONZ 1 Str,

Warsaw, Poland



Weronika Warpas